Sydney based producer Superbreak edits 12th Floor's 'Get Down', released on Raw Fusion in 2003. Dusty slo-mo deep house for fans of the Instruments of Rapture/L.E.S.S. sound.
Pretend the sun is shining with the Tony Valor Sounds Orchestra's afro groove 'Ma-Mo-Ah'. Dusty breaks all over this one. Released in '76 on Brunswick.
BeatElectric's BlackShag edits Rhetta Hughes' 'Angel Man' into a cosmic boogie-tinged instrumental disco stepper. Released in 1983 on Ariola/Barclay. If you don't know about the blog beast that is BeatElectric, go get school'd. They've got dope boogie, electro, disco and more to last you months, all of it top quality and personal vinyl rips.
Last week was so busy I never got round to announcing the release of 3AM's 'Telson EP' on Brazilian label Rainbow Socks, complete with remixes from Zopelar and myself! Grab yourself a copy at junodownload, and watch this space for more releases in the coming weeks...